True[ish] - Week 2

June 20, 2021


True[ish] - Week 2
”God Wants Me to be Happy”
1 John 1:5-7

  • True-ish: Statements that seem true, feel true, and that we may even want to be true, but they are not true.

  • “May all who are godly be happy…”  Psalm  97:12 [TLB]

  • 1 John 1:5-7

  • Assumption 1: God’s truth is pure and unchanging.

  • Assumption 2: We claim to have a vital relationship with Christ.

  • Proverbs 14:12

  • Cultural Doctrine of Personal Happiness:

    • Axiom #1:  Truth is defined by whatever makes me happy.

    • Axiom #2:  Happiness becomes the standard by which I judge my actions.

    • Axiom #3:  Since God wants me to be happy, whatever makes me happy must be right.

    • Axiom #4: If God wants me to be happy, anything that doesn’t make me happy must be bad.

    • Axiom #5:  Any kind of delay, suffering, risk, inconvenience, or obstacles to my happiness must not be God’s will.

    • Axiom #6:  Without knowing it, I begin to worship the false gods of comfort, money, pleasure, and things.

  • 1. God doesn’t want you to be happy if it causes you to do something wrong or unwise.

    1 Peter 1:15

  • 2. God doesn’t want you to be happy if it is only based on the things in this world.

    • Culture’s Formula for Happiness:

      Better possessions
      + Peaceful circumstances
      + Thrilling Experiences
      + Right Relationships
      + the Perfect Appearance
      = Happiness

    • 1 John 2:15-17

  • 3. God does not want you happy; God wants you blessed!

    Psalm 112:1

  • “May all who are godly be happy in the Lord and Praise His Holy Name.”  Psalm 97:12 TLB

Discussion Guide

Use these questions to reflect on this week's message as a family or group.

  1. Is it God’s desire for me to be happy? If it is God’s desire for me to be happy, and I’m not, who bears the blame for me being unhappy?

  2. Read John 1:5-7. How does the analogy of darkness and light help us understand truth?

  3. Read I John 2:15-17. Describe the struggle that we have when we look for happiness in the things of the world.

  4. Read Psalm 112:1 and Psalm 97:12. Which would you prefer, happiness on your terms, or God’s blessing?

  5. In Matthew 5:1-12, how does Jesus describe those who are “blessed”?

  6. Pastor Brian shared that we often have a formula for happiness that includes better possessions, circumstances, experiences, relationships, and appearance. Which one of these are you most likely to rely on for happiness?


True[ish] - Week 3


True[ish] - Week 1