True[ish] - Week 1

June 13, 2021


True[ish] - Week 1
What is Truth?
Romans 1:18-20

  • True-ish: Statements that seem true, feel true, and that we may even want to be true, but they are not true.   

  • John 18:37b-38a

  • Propositional Truth #1: What you believe determines how you behave.

  • Propositional Truth #2:  Jesus came into the world to testify of the truth.

  • John 8:44b

  • Romans 1:18-20

  • Suppressing the truth is the default action of every generation.   

    “...people who suppress the truth by their wickedness…”

  • Truth is real, and it’s real obvious.

     “since what may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it plain to them.”  

  • People are without excuse because the truth is plain.

    “...having been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse…”

  • Two Enemies of Truth:

    • 1) Relativism: the assumption that there is no such thing as absolute truth

      • Hegelian Dialectic

        Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis

      • Relativism says: Truth is not constant; it evolves.

    • 2) Subjectivism: the belief that I have the right to determine what is right and wrong without submitting my judgment to any authority outside of myself

  • What do we need to know about the truth?

    1) Truth is not just a what, but a who. (John 14:6; John 1:1-2,14)

    2) Jesus, the Truth, can set you free. (John 8:32)

Discussion Guide

Use these questions to reflect on this week's message as a family or group.

  1. Describe a time in your life when you told a lie. What were the consequences of your lie? Was the truth finally revealed?

  2. Two of Satan’s greatest weapons against truth are relativism and subjectivism. Relativism is the assumption there is no absolute truth and subjectivism allows a person to determine what is right and wrong. What does John 14:6 say about truth?

  3. Read 1 John 1:5-9. What message did the writer hear and declare? (1:5)

  4. What inconsistency did John address? (1:6)

  5. What results from "walking in the light"? (1:7)

  6. How were some believers apparently deceiving themselves? (1:8)

  7. What is the result of confessing one’s sins? (1:9)


True[ish] - Week 2


Address the Mess - Week 8