The End: Week 4
July 16th, 2023
The Mess
Matthew 24 & Romans 1
Colossians 3:5-6
Romans 1:18
Revelation 19:15
Rapid Onset
Matthew 24:16-17
Utter Panic
Matthew 24:19-20
Unprecedented Trouble
Matthew 24:21
Relentless Trouble
Mathew 24:22
Key Players
Winning Team
144,000 Evangelists
The Two Witnesses
The Lord Jesus Christ
The Bride of Christ
Losing Team
Satan and his Demons
The Beast
The False Prophet
The Great Harlot
The Merchants of the World
The Ten Nations of Europe
The Kings of the East
The Time of Tribulation
The time between the rapture of the church and the reign of Christ on the earth.
The Purposes of the Tribulation
For the Church: The church is not present for the Tribulation but is in the presence of Christ and heaven.
For Israel: Discipline and Preparation for Restoration
For the Nations: Discipline and Evangelism
In Relation to Satan: Reveal the true character and program of Satan.
In Relation to God: Demonstrate that God is holy, righteous, just, and still on the throne.
Revelation 19:19