The End: Week 3
July 9th, 2023
The Mess
Matthew 24 & Romans 1
Colossians 3:5-6
Romans 1:18
Revelation 19:15
Rapid Onset
Matthew 24:16-17
Utter Panic
Matthew 24:19-20
Unprecedented Trouble
Matthew 24:21
Relentless Trouble
Mathew 24:22
The Time of Tribulation
The time between the rapture of the church and the reign of Christ on the earth.
The Purposes of the Tribulation
For the Church: The church is not present for the Tribulation but is in the presence of Christ and heaven.
For Israel: Discipline and Preparation for Restoration
For the Nations: Discipline and Evangelism
In Relation to Satan: Reveal the true character and program of Satan.
In Relation to God: Demonstrate that God is holy, righteous, just, and still on the throne.
Revelation 19:19