Salt and Light

September 5, 2021


Salt and Light

Matthew 5:13-16

  • Why do we do good?

    Are all good deeds equal?

  • Two Types of Doing Good

    • Doing good the way we normally do good

    • Doing good as Jesus taught

  • Do good in such a way that it causes people to look beyond us to the God who is at work in and through us.

  • 3 Questions to Ask

    • Am I doing good?

    • Am I doing good in such a way that it causes people to look beyond me to God?

    • What can I do to move people’s attention away from the kind of person I am to the kind of God He is?

  • Do the good you’ve avoided doing.

  • Do something good FOR someone so they know God is FOR them.

Discussion Guide

Use these questions to reflect on this week's message as a family or group.

  1. Read Matthew 5:13. Jesus tells his followers that they are the salt of the earth. What purpose did salt serve in the first century? What preserving value do we have as Christ followers?

  2. How can we as Christ followers lose our saltiness? What are the ramifications of losing our saltiness?

  3. Read Matthew 5:14-16. A city located on a hill is in a strategic location. What is God's purpose for you where you are now? How has God strategically placed you to be a light to others? 

  4. How are you shining your light for others to see? What are the consequences when we hide our light? 

  5. How can you live in such a way as to draw attention to your heavenly Father?


Game Plan - Week 1


Something More Than Sunday - Week 4