Ask It - Week 3
March 7, 2021
In light of my past experiences, my current circumstances, and my future hopes and dreams, what is the wise thing to do?
Job 14:5
Four Observations about Time
1. Investing small amounts of time over time is cumulative.
2. Neglect is also cumulative.
3. Random activity has no cumulative value.
4. In the areas that matter most, you can’t reclaim misspent time.
Ephesians 5:15-17
Ecclesiastes 8:4-8
Four Principles about Time
The wise heart is rewarded. (v. 5)
The wise heart will survive hard times. (v. 6)
The wise heart knows what to do in the face of the unknown. (v. 7)
The wise heart is a free heart. (v. 8)
Where do I need to begin making consistent deposits of time? In light of my past experiences, my current circumstances, and my future hopes and dreams, where do I need to begin making consistent deposits of time?
Use these questions to reflect on this week's message as a family or group.
Talk about one example from your life where you’ve seen small investments of time over time pay off.
Read Job 14:5. How does this relate to making wise choices?
Read Ephesians 5:15–17. What are some ways that culture lures people towards neglecting the incremental deposits in the things that matter most in life and instead just focusing on the here and now?
Read Ecclesiastes 8:4-8. What are the rewards of wisdom according to this passage? What are the consequences of not walking in wisdom?
Is there a person in your life you wish had given more time to your relationship? How would things be different if you had spent more time with them?
What is one thing in your life you need to say no to for now? What obstacles stand in the way of you saying no? How can you overcome those obstacles?
Where do you need to begin making consistent deposits of time? What is one thing you can do this week to begin making those deposits? What can we do to support you?
Look ahead to your desired future. In light of your past experience, current circumstances, and future hopes and dreams, where do you need to begin making consistent deposits of time? Reallotting your time can set you up for healthy relationships with the most important people in your life, and create a future without regret.