Address the Mess - Week 4

May 2, 2021


David and the Mess of Immorality
2 Samuel 11-12

  • Romans 5:8

  • Romans 7:19

  • Myths about Messes

    • Messes only happen to people who are already spiritually compromised.

    • Messes are obvious, and everyone sees them coming.

    • Messes are always the result of an intentional choice to sin.

    • Messes are easily diagnosed and corrected.

  • Truths about David’s Mess

    • The mess came in a season of success.

      • 1 Chronicles 17:11-14

    • The mess was created by a series of poor decisions rather than a single bad decision.

      • 2 Samuel 11:1-5

    • The mess was magnified by the attempted cover-up.

      • 2 Samuel 11:11

      • 2 Samuel 11:26-27

    • The only solution to the mess was brokenness.

      • Brokenness is a spiritual place where we reject all excuses and accept final responsibility for our behavior.

      • 2 Samuel 12:7-14

      • Psalm 51:9-10

Discussion Guide

Use these questions to reflect on this week's message as a family or group.

  1. One of the myths about messes was, “Messes are obvious and everyone sees them coming.” How is this a myth? Why is it so much easier to see when other people are headed for a mess?

  2. Read 2 Samuel 11:1. How did David the “warrior” set himself up for failure when he chose to stay at home?

  3. Have you ever heard the saying “the cover up is always worse than the crime”? How was this true for David? How many people and relationships did he drag into his mess?

  4. Psalm 51 is David’s response to Nathan and the expression of his brokenness and repentance. How does David describe his sin in Psalm 51:3-4?

  5. Read Psalm 51:7-12. Describe and reflect on David’s path to restoration. The words joy, gladness and rejoicing are found in this difficult passage of restoration. How is it possible to find joy and gladness?


Address the Mess - Week 5


Address the Mess - Week 3