Address the Mess - Week 2
April 18, 2021
Are We Done with the Mess?
Romans 7:13-25
The mess that brings us together is the mess that brought God near.
Romans 3:21-22
Once we believe in Jesus, are we done with the mess?
Good news: The penalty for my mess is no more.
Bad news: We still have to deal with the mess that sin left.
What is the cause of our futility? How do we sort out the primary suspects?
The Law: a good thing, a spiritual agent that fulfills a divine purpose
Sin Principle: that inescapable fallen part of who I am
Flesh: the terminal partnership between my flesh and the sin principle
What are the components of my sense of futility?
Misunderstood actions (v. 15a)
Uncontrollable outcomes (v. 15b)
Reliable failures (vv. 16-20)
Fleeting victories (v. 21)
Hopeless outlook (v. 24a)
Understanding at last (vv. 24b-25)
Jesus has won the ultimate battle and the Holy Spirit within me gives me the strength to be diligent and disciplined.
Use these questions to reflect on this week's message as a family or group.
In week one of “Address the Mess,” we learned the good news that the penalty of death has been removed. The penalty for my mess is no more! What is the not-so-good news of week 2?
Have you ever asked a child, “why did you do that”? Did they ever look at you with a blank stare and say, “I don’t know”? Could this response still be true for us? Does it sometimes seem as if we don’t know why we do the things that we do? What does Paul say in Romans 7:15 about his behavior?
In Romans 7:14-23, we see that there are three main players in our spiritual battle: The Law, Sin, and Flesh. Describe the relationship of each to our sin.
What is the good news in Romans 7:24-25?
Pastor Brian gave us three takeaway statements: I need to know that I’m not alone. I need to know where the desperation comes from. I need to know that there is hope. How can these statements help us in our daily walk?