Wonders of the World: Week 1
September 11th, 2022
Wonders of the World
Is There a God?
Acts 17:16-29
“Is there a God, and if so, where is he and does he care about me?”
Three Responses to this Wonder:
There is no God who cares for me.
There is a God but he does not care for me.
There is a God who personally cares for me.
We believe that the Word of God is the final authority for what we believe and how we behave.
Acts 17:16-23
Meet the Knowable God:
The true God is God is a knowable God.
Acts 17:23b
The true God is the source of our supply not the recipient of our help.
Acts 17:24-25
The true God has set specific boundaries for our life.
Acts 17:26
The true God has put a “God-hunger” in all of us.
Acts 17:27
The true God desires personal relationship with us.
Acts 17:28
The true God is not the product of the thought of man.
Acts 17:29
God, who is the source of life will hold us accountable for the spiritual decisions that we make.