The Promise: Week 2
April 23rd, 2023
Share The Promise
Acts 2
John 16:7
Promise: The catalytic power of the indwelling Holy Spirit that empowers and mobilizes the Christ follower.
Everything changed:
The tangible connection with Christ was restored
They were filled with confidence and boldness
They were compelled to share the gospel with others
The church was born. A movement was born that would capture the attention of the world and would continue to grow exponentially from that day to this
Acts 2:9-11
Acts 2:39
Big Idea: The purpose of the promise was to be shared.
God defined the moment of opportunity so we couldn’t miss it.
Acts 2:1-4
Acts 2:13
Acts 2:17-21
The opportunity is real and it’s real urgent.
He defined the means of the opportunity so we couldn’t dismiss it.
Acts 2:22-24
He clarified the message of opportunity so that we wouldn’t miss it.
Acta 2:27-29