The Blessing: Week 3

May 8, 2022


The Blessing: Week 3

Declaring the Blessing
Genesis 48-49

  • The Blessing may be declared in a moment, but it is delivered over a lifetime.

  • Blessing provides assurance of acceptance and belonging, builds confidence, and extends impact for the cause of Christ through the next generation.  

Elements of Declaring a Blessing

  1. A Meaningful Touch
    Genesis 48:10-11, 13-14
    Mark 10:16

  2. A Spoken Message
    Genesis 48:15-16
    Proverbs 18:21

  3. An Expression of High Value
    Genesis 48:20
    Genesis 49:22-26

  4. A Picture of a Special Future
    Genesis 27:28-29
    Jeremiah 29:11


Forward: Week 1


The Blessing: Week 2