Address the Mess - Week 6
May 16, 2021
Abraham and the Mess of Prioritizing Personal Opinion
Genesis 16:1-6
mess: a single, sinful action or attitude with spiritual consequences
What happens when a single sin becomes a sinful pattern?
stronghold: a pattern of thought and behavior that defies the principles of God’s word and opens our lives to the control of sin and Satan
2 Corinthians 10:3-6
Priority of Personal Opinion: Elevating the value of my own opinion above the “knowledge of God”
Genesis 16:1-6
The mess begins with a legitimate need or desire.
Genesis 16:1a
Genesis 12:2
Genesis 15:6
The mess develops into a spiritual blind spot.
Genesis 16:2
We act on a carnal suggestion.
Genesis 16:2-4
Remember the entire process:
A legitimate desire fueled by the promise of God develops.
The desire is delayed for a decade.
A spiritual blind spot forms.
At a critical moment, a carnal suggestion is made.
Without measuring the consequences, we act on the suggestion.
We fail to respond to the initial consequence of the mess.
Genesis 16:4
Genesis 16:5-6
A singular failure becomes a sinful pattern.
“The first generation believes something, the second generation assumes something, the third generation forgets it and the fourth denies it.” D. A. Carson
Through observation, the next generation adopts the pattern because they see it as normative.
Genesis 26:7
Generational Sin: when a single moral failure becomes a spiritual stronghold and eventually a predictable pattern of moral failure across multiple generations
How to Address the Mess (2 Corinthians 10:5):
Identify any personal opinions standing in opposition to God’s word.
Determine to agree with God.
Bring all personal opinions into alignment with truth.
Discussion Guide
Use these questions to reflect on this week's message as a family or group.
Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. How would you describe a spiritual stronghold?
What was the personal stronghold in Abraham’s life that would become a sinful cycle in the lives of his descendants?
“Everyone has an opinion.” Spiritual people have “spiritual opinions.” How did Abraham act on carnal suggestions or opinions rather than God’s truth?
What are some popular opinions that we see today that stand in opposition to God’s word?
A stronghold is any area that welcomes thought patterns that oppose Christ’s lordship. What are some ways that we can change our thought patterns?
Read 2 Corinthians 10:5 again. Pastor Brian challenged us to “Determine to agree with God.” How can we live out this principle in our daily lives?